Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day for Teachers

Boy, are your teachers excited and ready to go. This morning Mr. Rhoads and Mr. Greevy surprised the teachers with dessert to celebrate Schick Elementary making Annual Yearly Progress on the PSSA's last year. Everyone here worked so hard to make it happen.

The teachers welcomed the new principals and teachers with gifts. Mr. Rhoads was presented a plaque from the faculty and Mr. Greevy received a beautiful potted plant to pretty-up his office. The teachers were given daily necessities that are to help them through out the day.

Here, Mrs. Pryor is handing Mr. Weaver his bag of goodies. Do you know that Mr. Weaver is teaching in the same classroom that Mr. Rhoads taught in years ago???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you know Mr Rhoads did his student teaching under Mr. Weavers father?