Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kindergarten Night A Success

Last evening we had over 100 students and their families attend Schick Elementary's Kindergarten Night. Parents were given an overview of the school and kindergarten expectations by school officials and each student's teacher. The PTO was here to explain its role in the school. They had video of the Sock Walk Fundraiser from last year and they were taking Giant Card numbers to benefit the fundraising. Mrs. McGinnis was here meet students in the nurse's office. Mrs. Cozza was here to show off her library. Mrs. Fox gave jumpropes and showed students all the fun things in gymnasium. Mrs. Pagano showed off her visual arts classroom. Mrs. Cooley and her hand puppet were here to help the students transition more comfortably. Mr. Rhoads and Mr. Greevy were here to meet parents and students, too.

Our Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. Kuntz, Mrs. Morehart, Mrs. Rall and Mrs. Dunlap, were our ROCK STARS!!! Their program and evening was soooooo impressive and everyone appreciated being here and the work that they put into the event.

Here students were able to take a bus ride to see what to expect. During this time parents were given additional information for a successful school year.
Mrs. Morehart addressed parents in her classroom. You should have seen her singing on stage last night! Watch out Tina Turner!!!

Parents and students were in the multi-purpose room to hear about Schick and then Mrs. Beth Hufnagel our Registered Dietitian and some of our cafeteria staff provided information and a health snack for all who attended.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day for Teachers

Boy, are your teachers excited and ready to go. This morning Mr. Rhoads and Mr. Greevy surprised the teachers with dessert to celebrate Schick Elementary making Annual Yearly Progress on the PSSA's last year. Everyone here worked so hard to make it happen.

The teachers welcomed the new principals and teachers with gifts. Mr. Rhoads was presented a plaque from the faculty and Mr. Greevy received a beautiful potted plant to pretty-up his office. The teachers were given daily necessities that are to help them through out the day.

Here, Mrs. Pryor is handing Mr. Weaver his bag of goodies. Do you know that Mr. Weaver is teaching in the same classroom that Mr. Rhoads taught in years ago???

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Update on Our Little Lancers (& a better picture!!!)

Hey Little Lancer Fans, we're hearing from you... here is a nice letter (& better picture) we received from a proud parent...

...I read on your blog that you went to the Grand Slam parade and saw the Loyalsock Little League 9 and 10 year old major league all stars. This is a tremendous group of boys who worked incredibly hard at baseball all summer long. In the end, they finished as the District 12 champions, the Section 3 champions, and third in the state of PA. Remember, that is out of 500 teams. That is an amazing accomplishment for the boys from Loyalsock! I attached a team photo for you to enjoy.

Thanks for “blogging” about our boys. They made us very proud this summer!

They made us proud, too!

Monday, August 24, 2009

New Plantings

Thanks to the LTSD Buildings and Grounds staff for helping to make the front of our school look nicer. New parking lot lines have been painted and arrows were touched up. Infact, Mr. Holmes and his staff planted two new pear trees and decorative grasses last week in front of Schick Elementary. The old plantings were not growing well and needed replaced. Boy, do they look nice. Thanks for making our school look sharp.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sorry, Coach...

Hey, check out our Little Lancers!!! No, really, those are our Little Lancers. Our new assistant principal, Mr. Greevy was trying to use the new camera on his phone last night at the Little League parade where our very own PA Section 3 Champions...
Section 3??? Is that right? Boy, what a fuzzy picture, but what a great looking team. Good job, Little Lancers.
Sorry about the picture, Coach.
AND Congrats to more LITTLE LANCERS!!!\
The Loyalsock Minor All-Stars won the championship of the Marlon R. Dillon Tournament hosted by The Original Little League. The team went undefeated in the Tournament 4-0, while outscoring its opponents 40-11. Players were Chase W., Chase M., Evan N., Sam N., Peyton S., Nicolas S., Dawson R. , Ryan S., Zac H., Alec L., Austin C., and Chris C..
The coaches were Coach Chris Sullivan, Manager Mike Salvatori, and Coach Eric McNulty.
Check out the article in the Webb Weekly:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to the Little Lancers Blog

Today is the launch of the ALL NEW Little Lancers Blog. On this blog you will be able to find a profile about Donald E. Schick Elementary School. You'll be able to view the latest news happening at Schick and about our students, staff, classes, curriculum, organiztions, and building. We look forward to your comments and your suggestions about what you would like to see Blogged about.

Stop Back. We're excited to see you.